My husband, Don, went on
This weekend was the sight-in day for the second annual disability deer hunt that is sponsored by one of the chapters of the Wheelin' Sportsmen, NWTF. This time they have twenty-eight wheelchair bound guys signed up. At theses sight-in days, the volunteers help the disabled hunters find just the right combination of gun, tripod and other disability friendly aids to make it possible to hunt from either a blind or an all-terrain vehicle, using a special 'standing vehicle' license. The volunteers who put this well organized hunt together really understand what it means to life-long hunters to return to the woods. I can't say enough good things about these men and women.
Unfortunately, as good as the volunteers are, no one made sure that Don's ear plugs were properly put in and he came home with signification hearing loss from the two hours on the shooting range. Monday I have to call the audiologist to see what can be done. Hopefully, just turning up his brand new hearing aids will do the trick. In the caregiver world, it's always two steps forward and one step back. As caregivers we want and need to trust others with our care recipients but then something like this happens and you're reminded of why that is SO hard to do....