December 6, 2007

Houston, We Have a Date!

Don's aorta aneurysm is going to be on December 21st. Between now and then we have four appointments to get the pre-op stuff out of the way which includes: an adenosine myocaridal perfusion stress test, an echocardiogram, a surgical nurse interview, a chest x-ray, blood work, and an appointment at Don's internist. We're told the surgery is pretty safe when not done in an emergency situation, like repairing a weak and bulging spot in a garden hose. In an emergency, should the aneurysm burst, then you have a 40% chance of dying before getting to the hospital and a whole host of grave issues to deal with if you do make it to the hospital.

There are two ways to do the surgery which is essentially putting in a stent. They can go through the groin with camera aided instruments or go through the stomach. In Don's case they are starting out through the groin but made sure we knew that that could change while he's on the surgical table. If they can do the groin surgery, it will be one over-night in the hospital. If they have to go through the stomach, it's a seven day recuperation in the hospital. With Don's stroke related issues---lack of physical mobility, right arm completely paralyzed, hearing loss, severe apraxia and aphasia---a hospital stay could get complicated. I hope will all my heart he/we doesn't have to go through that!



Anonymous said...

hey Jean:

you both are going to be in my prayers for Don's surgery, let'd pray it's done through groin and Don is back home for xmas, I bet you don't want any other chirstmas gifts. lots of hugs from your cyber friend.


The Bee Folks - Lori Titus said...

Best wishes, Jean! I will burn a candle for you.

I know a few people who have had stents through the groin, all without complication. Never heard of it through the stomach. Guess that shows how easy it is through the groin. I'm sure things will go well!

Anonymous said...

Warmest Wishes and Prayers to you both. For the stent to be successful and a speedy recovery.

Strength for you.. (although you are one strong lady).

((((((((((Hugs))))))) Bonnie